My last post discussed what was hot in antiques, and advertising was pretty much it. That's been true for a while, and probably will be for some time to come. Today I thought I'd write a little about the other end of the spectrum: what's NOT hot in the antiques and collectibles market. This is based on my own observations, as an antique dealer in Michigan. I've written about this topic before, and you can read my post about what wasn't hot in 2009 HERE.
Silverplate tea services, flatware, cutlery sets, and miscellaneous pieces aren't doing well in the market. Sterling silver is another story altogether, but that's not what I'm talking about. Silverplate pieces will be marked "quadruple plate" or "triple plate." They are standard fodder at estate sales and auctions. These require polishing because they tarnish, and grandma's set of nice silver isn't dishwasher safe so most modern households don't want to get it out anymore, even for Thanksgiving.

Speaking of metal, pewter items aren't very popular either. Aluminum items, although "mid-century" and somewhat more hip, aren't exactly hot sellers, and shiny brass home decor and fixtures are so toxic right now, you can't even give them away.
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